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This is a list of behaviors that all players at Brent's game (including Brent) follow.

This document exists to keep the game fun. Acceptable and unacceptable behaviors should be clearly communicated, and unacceptable behaviors should only be those that slow down the game or otherwise make it not fun.

While at the table, all cell phones should be set to vibrate or turned off, so the game's not interrupted by a squawking hip-hop tune.

If anyone has to leave the table, he or she should announce where they're going, so others can deal appropriately with that player's absence.

If a player is away from the table during combat when their turn comes up, other players may take their turns. The player who's away will maintain his or her overall initiative order, and may take his or her turn immediately upon returning to the table. If the other players go through a full round, the returning player loses that turn, but remains in initiative order. A player may certainly leave instructions with other players as to what to do with his or her character during his or her absence.

During combat, each player gets 1 minute (in the real world) to decide on their action, starting at the beginning of their turn. If a player hasn't decided after 1 minute, play may continue to the next player in initiative order while the first player decides, but the player will maintain their overall initiative order. Note that players may spend the entire combat round (outside their turn) thinking about their next action(s).

If the game has to stop while someone looks up a rule, we'll wait a few minutes. If, after a few minutes, the situation hasn't been resolved, the DM may come up with a temporary ruling and continue the game. The rule can still be checked, and retroactively applied if possible.

The DM may keep a player's character sheet, if that player frequently forgets to bring it. This is not to shame or judge the player; just to make it easier for the player to play.

Don't insult another player, a player's character, or the DM. We all spent time preparing for the game.

Players should be very familiar with their characters. Even if they're not, they're encouraged to use the rule of cool. If a player tries something cool, the DM and other players should always reward it.

If you're a guest coming to someone else's house to game, please bring your favorite snack.

If Brent announces “Drama Time,” the game is moving into a focused period where players should act as their characters. During Drama Time, there should be very little banter or joking; this is an intense scene of concentration on a dramatic turn of events.

In addition, Brent pledges two things:

1. The DM is on the players' side. The game may challenge and occasionally confuse players, but always in the service of a more interesting, fun adventure. Challenges and hazards are there for players to overcome, not to frustrate.

2. Brent won't kill player-characters unless the player clearly knows that his or her character is in mortal danger and still continues. Monsters won't appear out of nowhere and kill PCs in one blow.

social_policies.1248578040.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/06/10 22:12 (external edit)