
Brent P. Newhall

Website Designs


A sample "business card" site, with six pages describing a company, officers, directions, etc. Uses PHP and CSS.



A sample business website for a fictional luxury soap company. Uses pure HTML and CSS for maximum cross-browser compatibility.

A portal for an open-source software project, complete with news, polls, forums, RSS feeds, and a gallery. Uses PHP, CSS, and a MySQL database.



Site for a series of cooking videos posted on the web. Uses embedded Flash video, frames, PHP, and CSS. A new episode is posted to the site by adding one line to a file.

My blog, created with a combination of Python, PHP, AJAX, and CSS. Includes Twitter integration, a custom markup syntax for blog posts, and a custom commenting and anti-spam system.


Designed by Brent P. Newhall

(X)HTML     WordPress     PHP     ASP
Joomla     AJAX     CSS     phpBB     SQL