[[http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144743/The-Sacrifice-to-the-Troll-God|{{ http://brentnewhall.com/games/graphics/Sacrifice_to_Troll_God_cover.png?300}}]] ====== The Sacrifice to the Troll God ====== //The Sacrifice to the Troll God// is an introductory adventure for [[http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129865/MurderHobos|the MurderHobos RPG]], suitable for characters level 1-3. In this adventure, the murderhobos take on the challenge of rescuing a villager who's been kidnapped by a local tribe of trolls. Something's strange, though; the trolls stagger and scratch at pus-filled wounds. This 6-page adventure includes a cave lair, three fully-statted monsters, and a full complement of treasure to be claimed after the PCs slaughter the trolls. You can **[[http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144743/The-Sacrifice-to-the-Troll-God|get this adventure at DriveThruRPG]]** and **pay what you want**. [[http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144743/The-Sacrifice-to-the-Troll-God|{{http://www.onebookshelf.com/images/banners/banner-dtrpg.jpg}}]] Big thanks to [[http://twwombat.com|Jim White]] for reviewing this adventure and Joe England for playtesting it.